5 steps to handling a sudden loss of income

Best way to handle a sudden loss of income
5 steps to handling a sudden loss of income

The unexpected happens, a sudden loss of job and income. However, this is not the end of the world; you can always pick up the pieces and move on. Here are five steps to handling a sudden loss of income:

Tell those who need to know

Although we do have to tell everyone about a loss of income, there are a select few who need to know. This pays, especially when it comes to the issues of finances. We need to tell our spouses and family members, this will let them know that responsibilities might shift or even lower their expectations. It also helps when you alert people who you owe money to. You may be able to adjust the repayment period to fit the prevailing circumstances.

You could put some bills and payments on hold

Payments that were relying on your paycheque may need to be held, this is especially important when you don’t have enough cash in your account. This will avoid a depletion of cash which may have been used for emergency needs. Keep a record of these payments.

Cut on your expenses

Planning is more important than ever, reduce your expenses, leaving only the most crucial ones. Those that can be postponed until the future can now wait until things improve. This is only a temporary setback, soon you will dust yourself off and move on to something better. Cutting expenses today does not mean you will forever be without them. Every member of the family should clearly understand this, and avoid unnecessary spending.

A side hustle comes in handy

Finding a side hustle can help a lot, look for something that can give you money and help you meet your bill payments. Look for something that you are good at, it might be freelancing, selling items online, home and pet sitting or other activities which may not need much effort.

Search for another job

While it may not be easy to come by, keep sending those applications out, ask your friends to alert you when there are openings. Don’t lose hope or panic, it is just a temporary setback. It will pass but you should not just sit and wait, do something about it and with time a new opening will be on offer.


Disclaimer: The above information is general in nature and not intended to be advice. You should consider seeking professional advice before following any suggestions in this blog/website.